Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back on the Blog

I have been terrible at keeping up with this blog.  Most of my work is posted on my Facebook Business Page.  You can find me there as Belinda Mercure Photography.

 I do hope to catch up here a bit, but had to delete many of my older post to make room for more recent work. 

If you are interested in a session please send me a message, or find me on Facebook.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Broomfield Family Photography - Siblings

November 23, 2012
Such a fun session!  This brother and sister were not shy and were ready for some fun shots! Thanks so much guys for meeting up with me..i think you'll have some great cards this year!...

Friday, November 23, 2012

Child Photography - Broomfield CO

November 4,  2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Family Photography - Broomfield CO

November 3, 2012
Broomfield CO

Halloween Mini Session - Broomfield CO .October 2012

Halloween Mini Session  - 2012
These are my one of my favorite sessions to shoot! Look for Halloween Mini session every year!

Raggedy Ann and Andy - October 2012 Halloween Session

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Family Photography - Broomfied CO

October 2012 - Siblings

I am a natural light, on location photographer. Each session lasts about 1 hr. You will get a CD with at least 60 images. You will have your CD in about 14 days.

Sessions with CD start at $180.
If you want to set something up please send me an email Hope to see you soon!

or find me on Facebook



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